Episode 4

Ep 003 Sarah Kleiner’s Incluencer Journey to Fertility After 40

“I started learning about all the things I was doing, that had nothing to do with food, that was interfering with my fertility and my reproductive health,” explains guest Sarah Kleiner, Influencer and Certified Quantum Health Practitioner. During her fertility journey, Sarah became drawn to Quantum Biology. Reflecting on her miracle pregnancy and how she finally managed her health, Sarah shares her insights and the trial and error of finding what works.

After going to numerous doctors and doing IVF, Sarah still struggled to have a viable pregnancy. After focusing her efforts on quantum health, Sarah began going outside more, doing red light therapy and cold therapy. Now, Sarah is happily pregnant and using her knowledge to educate others on how quantum biology can help them. Whether you are looking to get pregnant, lose weight, or simply feel better, restructuring your lifestyle can help you heal.

Navigating health and wellness may be a maze, but it's worth it. Learn more about Sarah’s experience with infertility, improving your circadian health, and how quantum healing can lead to weight loss.


  • “I started learning about light. And I started learning about all the things I was doing, that had nothing to do with food, that was interfering with my fertility and my reproductive health.” (7:46-8:01 | Sarah) 
  • “My big lesson and my big passion now are teaching people about quantum health and how to understand these things.” (11:51-12:00 | Sarah)
  • “The things that worked for me, the things that got me the healthiest I had ever been, we're free.” (14:03-14:08 | Sarah)
  • “I've got my story of hope and healing. And the cool thing that happened to me was that I lost 30 pounds while trying to get pregnant. That's just a side effect of quantum healing.” (15:37-15:56 | Sarah)
  • “When you improve your redox function, you don't have to kill yourself with diet and exercise because your body is more of a self-healing organism. It's more in tune with nature.” (24:08-24:20 | Sarah)




Connect with Sarah Kleiner:


Instagram: @sarahkleinerwellness

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CarnivoreYogi/videos



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To find a practitioner who understands quantum biology:

To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification: www.appliedquantumbiology.com
Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve
Twitter: @quantumhealthtv


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The Quantum Biology Collective Podcast

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Meredith Oke