Episode 7

Ep 006 Former Engineer Roudy Nassif On How Our Relationship To Light Shapes Our Lives

“One of the things that I am continuously working on is triggering people to think more about light and to think more about the effects of light,” explains Roudy Nassif, Founder of VivaRays. After suffering from chronic fatigue and depression, Roudy felt determined to find a sustainable solution. Through his holistic medicine journey, Roudy discovered the benefits of natural light and improved his circadian rhythm once and for all.

An engineer with insomnia issues, Roudy found that his chronic exhaustion affected every area of his life. After learning about quantum biology and the importance of natural light, Roudy created his company VivaRays, specializing in circadian light therapy glasses. By combating the adverse effects of artificial blue light, our daily environment can improve, leading to a healthier lifestyle overall. 

It’s never too late to improve your circadian rhythm. Learn more about Roudy’s quantum biology journey, perfecting blue blockers for optimal results, and how light elevates consciousness.


  • “The language of light is wordless. Yet, in this language resides the essence of all meaning.” (10:01-10:48 | Roudy)
  • “Our relationship to light is so fundamental and obvious, but it's so simple that we often miss it. We take it for granted.” (19:59-20:21 | Roudy) 
  • “I'm truly inspired about helping humanity to elevate their light.” (36:25-36:50 | Roudy)
  • “One of the things that I am continuously working on is triggering people to think more about light and to think more about the effects of light.” (39:21-39:53 | Roudy)
  • “Nothing is happening outside that is not caused by what's happening inside.” (44:34-44:41 | Roudy)
  • “Who you were yesterday is a beautiful sequence that will create who you will become today and who you will be tomorrow.” (57:59-56:57 | Roudy) 


Connect with: Roudy Nassif:

Website to purchase glasses: https://vivarays.com/?sca_ref=995503.kgVQee7puc

Instagram: @vivarays 


To receive a FREE infographic of the Ideal Circadian Day & join our email list: https://www.quantumbiologycollective.com/qbc-newsletter-aqb
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To see details about the Applied Quantum Certification: www.appliedquantumbiology.com
Follow on Instagram & Facebook: @quantumbiologycollecitve
Twitter: @quantumhealthtv


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Meredith Oke