Episode 18
Ep 016: Dr. Catherine Clinton on Light, Mitochondria & How Connecting To Nature Improves Mental Health
“We don't stop at the barriers of our skin. We are intimately connected to the terrain within us, the microbiome, but that terrain expands throughout the universe,” explains Dr. Catherine Clinton, licensed naturopathic physician and quantum biology educator. Dr. Clinton was diagnosed with a slew of health issues from ulcerative colitis to Lyme disease all while in her second year of medical school. This led her to learning more about the connection between light and mitochondrial health. Today, she shares how connecting with nature can be used to improve mental health.
The whole body is a messaging system. Chronic diseases and sickness occur when there are blockages within the body’s communication system. These blockages are often a symptom of the modern lifestyle and come from sources like artificial light, processed food, and chronic stress. When the body can’t communicate effectively within itself, the immune system becomes deregulated. It’s important to #tendyourterrain, or your microbiome because your body is connected with everything in the universe through #quantumbiology. When your internal and external terrain are out of sync, your physical and mental health suffer. Connecting with nature is a great way to regulate your body and improve your mitochondrial health.
The negative health impacts of chronic stress and the modern lifestyle can last indefinitely if they are not addressed. Going barefoot in the grass, getting morning sunlight, and eating clean, unprocessed foods are relatively simple changes that can help restore the connections within your body’s messaging system.
- “All of these connections, the immune system, the gut, the heart, our neurological connection, our fascial connection, the way our mitochondria communicate, our whole body is a messaging system.” (7:01-7:18 | Dr. Clinton)
- “The blockages in the communication are where our sickness and our chronic disease really stem from.” (8:47-8:55 | Dr. Clinton)
- “That stressor, that trauma, that chronic stress, and the changes that happen in our body can last a lifetime if they're not addressed.” (18:35-18:45 | Dr. Clinton)
- “We don't stop at the barriers of our skin. We are intimately connected to the terrain within us, the microbiome, but that terrain expands throughout the universe.” (29:37-29:50 | Dr. Clinton)
Connect with Dr. Catherine Clinton:
Instagram: @dr.catherineclinton
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