Episode 75

EP 073: Habit or Addiction: Easing Recovery with Light

“You can’t get healthy in the environment you got sick in,” says Andeea Rae, licensed addiction counselor, certified in applied Quantum Biology, who joins today’s episode to discuss the nature of addiction, and the bio-psycho-social behavioral changes necessary for recovery. A new environment doesn’t just mean a change of scenery, she explains, it should also refer to the environment that doesn’t get talked about enough—the one full of toxic blue light and non-native EMFs. On today’s episode of the Quantum Biology Collective podcast, Andeea will walk us through the six stages of change in recovery from pre-contemplation to termination as well as the six symptom categories of Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome (PAWS). 


Sleep disturbances, stress sensitivity, and memory problems all overlap with symptoms stemming from poor light protocol. Improving your light environment, in addition to improving overall health can ease these and other symptoms at all stages of recovery, particularly the early ones. Andeea shares her top three simple but most effective changes for people to make in recovery as well as her Number 1 coping mechanism. She’ll also discuss the vibrational component to our emotions and how to quickly kick ourselves up into a higher vibration and remain there. 


One of the most important aspects of recovery is community. Join today’s discussion to hear Andeea break down the difference between a habit and an addiction, the myth of wasted time, and the power of an abundance mindset.



  • “The quantum space really opened up my touching on the true issues that I might have touched on when I was doing mental health therapy, but I didn’t do deep dives into my belief system, and that part has been really huge for me as well.” (8:56 | Adeea Rae)
  • “Once I learned about emotions being at a certain vibration on a quantum level, I took that very seriously, very, very seriously.” (9:52 | Andeea Rae)
  • “I believe that people, if they address their light environment and really look at this at a mitochondrial level, that some of these symptoms don’t have to last as long as they do.” (42:03 | Andeea Rae)
  • “So this is also speaking to that healing your nervous system and your neurotransmitters. And they simply are not gonna be signaling the pathways that are needed if they are not getting the sunrise in the morning and getting the right light signaling. So when someone is just unaware, they're just simply unaware that blue light's an issue. I mean, I'm talking about light bulbs. We went from talking about very illegal substances to now something that's so simple in our, in our home, a light switch. Right? And so we have to be looking at this.”  (48:21 | Andeea Rae) 
  • “I believe one of the biggest things that could actually help someone: getting them to understand that the blue light is actually stimulating the dopamine and it is going to keep the sleep issues going on. It’s going to keep all those PAWS symptoms, just…they’re going to be ongoing.” (49:02 | Andeea Rae)



Connect with Andeea Rae:



https://www.andeearae.com/ (upcoming courses)










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Meredith Oke