Episode 77

EP 075: Beyond Biomechanics: The True Nature Of The Human Form

“We are grace incarnate,” says today’s guest, Joanne Avison, movement and manual therapy practitioner and author of “Yoga, Fascia, Anatomy and Movement.” Unfortunately, as Joanne explains that beginning with Rene Descartes, the so-called founder of modern science, we have learned to separate our physical selves from our spiritual selves, when in fact, we’re never decoupled. On this episode of The Quantum Biology Collective podcast, the body work community needs to bridge the chasm with updated language that recognizes we are not assembled like machines but formed fully in our earliest days, and continue to grow, or unfold, throughout our lives. 


Just as Copernicus once introduced the idea that the sun is the center of the universe, Joanne suggests that our development forms from the heart first. In discussion with host Meredith Oke, she explains that, like stringed instruments, we grow under pressure and emit sound, as well as light and love. Hear her explain why our fascia is like the dark matter we carry around inside of us. 


When it comes to treating the body we tend to over-intervene and over-outsource rather than allowing time and space. Join today’s discussion to hear how, through her own injury and illness, Joanne learned to listen to and learn from her body, and discover more about the universe as a result. 



  • “We have a chasm between the world of the being and the world of the body…we’ve reduced the body down to the biomechanical sum of its anatomical parts, its chemical reactions, of stuff, the chemistry of its stuff, and everything was reduced so that it could be understood.” (10:08 | Joanne Avison)
  • “The word ‘hu’ in ‘human’ comes from an ancient name for the divine. So, human actually means ‘divine man.’”  (14:41 | Joanne Avison) 
  • “We are basically heart-centered. And that’s about as popular as Copernicus’ idea that we’re helix-centric.” (20:49 | Joanne Avison) 
  • “What we’re learning now is that the entire body is actually variations on the theme of a specialized connective tissue because our baseline is completely connected. And if you talk to John Sharkey at length, he talks about the fascia as the black matter of the form, the inner cosmos. So, black matter to the outer cosmos is fascia to the inner cosmos.” (22:39 | Joanne Avison)
  • “We’re already grace incarnate. That beautiful unicellular version of you has everything it needs to become you. It doesn’t go to school to learn how to be an embryo. There’s not an acorn out there that can spell ‘oak tree.’ Yet, everything needed to form the oak tree is in the acorn.” (27:51 | Joanne Avison) 
  • “I think the fascia is a matrix of love, light, and sound in the body. And that’s a scientific statement as well as a spiritual one.” (38:54 | Joanne Avison)
  • “When you come from it as a tissue of love, light, and sound, and you start becoming your own fascia whisperer, you can literally tune into the movement of what I call this ‘magical inner awareness,’ and you learn to see what it’s saying to you, you learn to hear what it’s saying to you.” (58:51 | Joanne Avison) 



Connect with Joanne Avison:





Follow on Instagram & Facebook @joanneavison

Joanne Avison's Books:

Author of Yoga Fascia Anatomy & Movement

Author of Myofascial Magic in Action


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